How Realistic are Home Improvement Shows?

How Realistic are Home Improvement Shows?

Home improvement shows are fun to watch, but are they realistic?…

Why are Barns Red?

Why are barns red? Why are shutters green and porch ceilings…

Need a Last Minute Vacation?

Summer is the perfect time to vacation at a theme/amusement…
Shakou Sushi

Do What You Love

What is the key to success in business? “Do what you love.…
Easy Care Sunbrella Fabrics

Easy Care

Google search for “easy care” and you will get all sorts…
Bob Bleck Owner of Bleck & Bleck Architects in Libertyville

Libertyville is the Best of Both Worlds Libertyville is the best of both…

5 Tips for Healthy Building Walls

You probably haven’t given much thought to the stability…

Theming Intensifies the Experience

Theming is the icing on the cake for theme park rides. Ride…
Mid-Century Modern Design

Mid-Century Modern Design

Mid-century modern design elements have experienced resurgence…

How to Pick the Right Paint

Most of us choose paint based on local availability, cost,…

Lighting Color-Sensitive Spaces

Lighting color-sensitive spaces is a special design challenge.…

Dangerous Snow Covered Roofs

Snow-covered buildings can be beautiful and picturesque. But…

And the Oscar goes to … the Big Red Button!

We are big movie fans and look forward to watching the Oscars…

Drones: A New Tool for the Construction Industry

Drones have the potential to become an important a tool for…

Prevent Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning affects thousands of Americans…