Why We’re Thankful for 2020
Why We’re Thankful for 2020
Do we get a reset button for 2020? It’s been one crazy year: the pandemic, civil unrest, election season, just to name a few “highlights.” “2020” and “thankful” are not two words we’d normally include in the same sentence.
In spite of it all, we really can’t complain.
Our firm was well-positioned for work-from-home and we didn’t run into any issues communicating as a team. Everyone has been healthy and we’re blessed to have continued work during these weird times. Now that we’re all back in the office, we’re reminded how smoothly 2020 actually went; projects were delivered on-time and in-budget, client communication proceeded flawlessly, and we even began new projects, albeit with masks on and social distancing in place. We figured it out.
Of course, these successes came about because of the efforts of our talented staff and colleagues.
As we look back on 2020, we’re beginning to appreciate things that we sometimes overlook. In light of the many ups and downs of 2020, we decided to pivot from our usual end-of-the-year “favorite things” blog article to what might be the start of a new tradition: our end-of-the-year “thankful” blog article.
Seven Reasons We’re Thankful for 2020
- Lost Island Theme Park
In any given year, working on the design of a brand-new theme park would be a dream-come-true. Add to that, working with a terrific client and teaming up with the best design/construction group, and you have a year to remember. Our work with the Bertch Family, BDR Design, and Weber Group began in 2019 and continues through a planned opening of the $90 million Lost Island Theme Park in Waterloo, Iowa in 2022.

Rendering provided by BDR Design Group www.bdrdesign.com
- Home Weddings
We know you’re thinking, why’s an architecture firm thankful for weddings? Believe it or not, the BBA team had three weddings to celebrate in 2020: Bob, Emil, and Sheryl all hosted scaled-back, but beautiful home weddings for their daughters and Goddaughter. It’s amazing what you can pull off with a little creativity and a lot of love.
- Rediscovering Favorite Activities
Who among us didn’t revert to the activities of our childhoods? Puzzles, card games, and s’mores on the fire filled our family free time in ways we could not have imagined just a few months ago. Family time took on a new meaning and we rediscovered some true favorites.
- Take-Out
How we’ve missed meeting friends and family for terrific food and beverages at our local restaurants! In support of clients and friends in the biz, we committed to getting take-out at least once a week. We put a cloth on the table, switched our everyday dishes for china, and lit a candle for weekly take-out meals. What a treat. 😋
- Clients
Without a doubt, we are thankful for clients who are enthusiastically moving forward with their projects. This is the case every year, but maybe even more so in a year like 2020. Our clients are our friends and valued partners in this crazy-fun business of design and construction.
- Cloud-Based Server
Our cloud-based server system was the true star of 2020. Established long before Covid-19 was a thing, our server allowed us to transition into remote working as needed, seamlessly. Since our team is spread out geographically and clients and colleagues work in many time zones, we have successfully worked “remote” for many years. We’ve come a long way since our early adoption of the fax machine and bag phone in the ‘80s.
- Home Baking & Cooking
“Necessity is the mother of invention.” We mastered new skills and pulled out kitchen appliances and tools we didn’t even know we had. Bob and Sheryl discovered how to make their own cold brew coffee (chilled, never heated). Bob learned how to make candied ginger and sourdough bread, thanks to the sourdough starter provided by his friend Larry.
Although it’s been an up-and-down kind of year, we are still thankful for 2020 and its many blessings. Here’s to an end to the pandemic, good health, and happiness for all in the coming year!