How Does Santa Get Down The Chimney?

“How does Santa get down the chimney and how does he deliver all those presents in one night?” My little ones have a lot of questions this time of year, requiring some creative thinking and fast-talking on my part. Our conversation got me thinking about the design and purpose of chimneys.

Apart from the important job of conveying Santa into our homes, chimneys serve a vital safety function. They exhaust dangerous flue gases and smoke produced by fires in fireplaces, stoves, ovens, and furnaces and they minimize the negative impact of fires on the surrounding area. Brick chimney walls also store heat and slowly release it to the building interior.

Most chimneys are vertical brick or frame structures with an interior flue, a narrow cavity that is proportional in size to the fire box below and allows dangerous gases and heat to escape. In modern construction, brick flues are typically lined with metal to provide a barrier between fire byproducts and combustible materials.

At the top of the chimney, chimney cowls prevent backdrafts and keep animals from nesting. A spark arrestor made of metal mesh prevents sparks and burning debris from rising out of the chimney, which is critical for wood roofed buildings. A chimney cap and rain guards prevent rain from going down inside the chimney cavity and weep holes at the bottom allow any accumulated moisture to weep out of the structure. The metal damper prevents outside air from entering the firebox when it is in a closed position and allows smoke and gases to rise out of the chimney when it is open.

Chimneys should be designed by a licensed architect and regularly maintained by a qualified chimney sweep for safe operation. Some common problems that should be addressed immediately include spalling brick, cracked caps and flues, shifting foundations, animal infestation, water infiltration, and creosote buildup. Schedule an annual inspection and sweeping of the flues, working parts, and exterior of the chimney to maintain a clean and safe chimney. Santa will be sure to thank you.