Flag Poles

Recent patriotic displays for Patriot’s Day on September 11th give me cause to consider the manner in which flags are displayed and the support necessary to fly the stars and stripes.

Did you know that flag poles are designed to carry a specific size flag? Flag pole manufacturers specify the recommended flag size for their poles. Often times we see very large US flags displayed at gas stations and other commercial buildings. They are hoisted on poles that are not designed to carry the weight and stress from a large flag and this can cause a public safety hazard.

The most common lengths specified for flag poles are 5’ to 6’ for wall mounted poles and 15’ to 30’ for ground mounted poles. The cost varies widely depending on materials and size but ground mounted commercial poles run from $1000 up to $6000 and more for taller poles.

Building owners are responsible for hoisting and lowering the flag and so ease of maintenance is a primary concern. The rope or halyard that carries the flag can be external or internal to the pole and we make our selection based on the pole location and the security risk. Obviously, the external halyard is more convenient for maintenance but it is also more accessible to vandals.

Poles are manufactured in several materials including wood, fiber glass, and aluminum. Our favorite material for most commercial applications is aluminum because of its light weight, rust resistance, and a variety of finish choices including black, bronze, and silver anodized aluminum.

Rules on the display and use of the American flag can be found in the US Flag Code at http://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/RL30243.pdf.